
The year 2021 turned out to be the most transformative year forcing everyone to change their outlook on almost everything. Indeed this year also affected the working class of the society. From working from home
as a necessity to adapting hybrid models, many things have changed. It is certain that we are never going to the previous ways and have to adapt to the "new normal". In a small amount of time, technology has
advanced dynamically and improved the quality of health services. Transitioning to somewhat stable conditions is going to bring a better understanding of the needs of the business. The uncertainty of the
present time has left us all with the suspicion of what is next to come. Here are several work trends of 2022 that could be seen in the following


During the time of the pandemic, work from home became quite normal. At this time, employees were also given the flexibility of working hours to relieve them from the work stress. This turned out to be beneficial to the
companies with the increase in productivity and morale. Along with this higher rate of creativity is seen among the employees. Further, employees can manage things at their own pace. The flexibility of place
granted employees the choice to work from home or commute to the office; this saved employees both time and money. Now many companies have provided this facility, and many are to adopt this. Job seekers look for flexibility in the job before committing. With the increasing adoption of a hybrid model, organisations have seen flexibility
of both place and time.

Mental Health Drives

There has been talking about mental health in the time of the pandemic, and rightly so. Companies have provided their employees with paid mental health leave to cope with the struggle during these times. The stigma around mental health seems to deplete slightly as companies have started mental health drives to ensure the overall health of their workforce. Organisations are also offering expanded parental leaves and other beneficial aids. Also, companies are investing more resources in these drives. The stress associated with work can land a person in
terrible shape, acknowledging this is a great start and need of the hour. Organisations are trying to provide an anti-judgement, toxic-free workspace. There is a need for empathy from the employers to achieve this. They also offer counselling and therapy to their employees for their well-being. Yet, we have a long way to go.

Diverse Workforce

With the help of the hybrid model and technological advancement enough to hire people all over the globe, organisations are now capable of making their workforce more diverse in terms of culture and vision. However, the employers will make extra effort to connect all the employees and bring a sense of team. It gives the employers more talent to pick from, now that it doesn't have to be restricted to a region. Further, inclusivity provides consumer-focused solutions. Workforce complexity helps with better understanding by including different points
of view. In the forthcoming time, a diverse workforce will be preferred by companies.

Safer Working Environment

In a safe environment in terms of health, discrimination is a set goal in the present times. Since the covid crisis is not entirely over, simultaneous covid check-ups, vaccination drives, sanitisation shall be available to the onsite working employees. Since the workspace is becoming more diverse, there needs to be a check that no discrimination
based on race or colour will occur because that will destroy the harmony among employees. Further queer people tend to face much more harsh glares than other employees, so the community should help me be more
welcoming and supportive towards them. Women need to feel safe in the workplace, which is ensured by the stand the company takes in case of any misbehaviour. All these factors will make a safe and healthy working environment benefiting both the employee and employers. These changes are now more likely to be seen in the companies.

Skills Generation

Nowadays, companies believe in the talent of the person rather than the educational certificates. Most organisations are using the 'learn as you go' strategy with their interns or employees. To make their employees
more able, employers are introducing up-skill or re-skill programmes that teach the employees to learn the latest required technology and put it to best use. Also, they are involved in tasks and make practical use out of
their knowledge. This boosts confidence, enables them to take risks, have an open mindset about new ideas and forthright approach towards their goal. The other practical approach enhances critical thinking, analysis, and skill scarcity and helps generate a more dedicated workforce. Thus employees will be more reliable, creative.

Work-Life Balance

work life balance

Nowadays, an employee does not set aside their personal life to join the rat race of corporate. They believe in maintaining a balance between both to lead a healthy life which seems fair. Organisations have to work
to ensure that. Although hybrid models have helped by providing flexible working hours and remote working, companies still have to develop more policies to implement them fairly. Excessive work demands and
unset boundaries cause an imbalance in work and personal life, which leads to conflicts and stress in the employee's life. To establish balance, both employee and employer have to work. Employees can set strict
boundaries to neglect overwork. Delegating work evenly among employees is one way; this prevents any workload and ensures task completion.


As the workforce is getting more decentralised, most of the task is done online, which increases the risk of cyber-attacks. With the use of more and more tech, data becomes more vulnerable. Threats such as data breaching, system hacking can be seen. It is now easier for cyber thieves to exploit the loopholes present in the system. So, to prevent all that, a cybersecurity system is required. Companies need to invest more resources to ensure cybersecurity. They might need to hire experts to achieve this. Employees need to know that their system is protected from ransomware attacks. Limiting cloud storage can ensure protection as cloud storage is not the safest way to store data. Another way is to regularly check the activity on their system and take immediate action in
unauthorized access.

Understanding AI


In the last year, technology has progressed like never before. From remote working to AI, new dynamics have been introduced to the present scenario. Companies have integrated AI into their workspace. AI seems a helpful tool with its accuracy and speed. It provides real-time data analysis that helps us understand the performance of the company. With the rise of client sophistication, it seems a great decision to include
AI. With automation of transactions, customised access and time managing services, AI seems the necessity of the future. Although it's a relatively new technology many companies have already invested in it, and according to an estimation, many will follow in the forthcoming years.

Hierarchical Changes

Companies are trying to implement a hierarchy scheme that focuses more on individual choices rather than status and power. Along with employee satisfaction, it also encourages support and transparency socially. In such a scheme, employees can prioritise their options and contribute to the company's growth. Also, it does not have to be unalterable; employers can redesign it to maintain wellness and benefits. The employers are to ensure value in the hierarchical system. They should be the decision-making authority but should create a safe environment where the employees can speak without hesitation.

Gender Gap Accelerating

During the pandemic, women were more likely to leave their jobs to attend their house than men. Being already underrepresented in all the sectors, now the situation has worsened. Women were the ones who had to take on the responsibility of home, which made it impossible to maintain work-life balance and eventually had to drop out. It also widens the pay gap. With the adoption of the hybrid systems and the choice of work from home, women are more likely to stay at home rather than join onsite offices. These are some of the work trends of 2022. Studies have shown that onsite employees are more likely to be paid more and are preferred for promotions—this biasing further increases the pay gap.

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